I still have not taken down Christmas. Not because I don't want to, but because we haven't had any TIME! I feel like everything has been go go go for that past couple months and hasn't slowed down. I can't believe another year has come and gone. Time goes by so fast. It's kind of sad. I feel like there's so much I want to do and accomplish and I have absolutely no excuse not to, especially since we don't have any kids yet. This is the perfect time to really do things and do some personal progress and set goals and do them. Well, 2011 has been a great year for us. And I have absolutely nothing to complain about.
We had our first anniversary!! Can't believe our 2nd will be next month.
We went on a trip to Cancun in June with my two brothers and cousin, Joey.
Went beach camping in California in August with all of Jeff's family. So fun! We'll be going again this June. (Yes, Jeff and I tower over everyone else :)
We went to Canada in September for my cousin's wedding and Jeff finally got to meet my whole family!
I got surgery in September. It wasn't a fun experience, but we're hoping we'll get some blessings from it in 2012! Sorry, guys... I didn't get any pictures of that, because I looked horrendous.
We both got new jobs!! This has been the biggest blessing by far for us this year. Both of us were offered jobs when we weren't even looking. I absolutely love mine and Jeff is loving his, too :) We got super lucky. Jeff is the new Marketing Director at a Honda dealership and I'm working at a cute spa called SkinBar.
Also, 2 of my best friends got pregnant and 3 more of best friends had babies! (One of them is already pregnant again... her babies will only be 14 months apart!) I love how all my friends are having little babes. I get to play with them!
Can't wait to find out what 2012 has in store for us! We have so much to be grateful for.
2018 Theme: Wonder
7 years ago