On Saturday morning, Elizabeth Smart came to speak at our stake center to the Relief Society women of our stake! It was amazing to hear her and to be so close to her! I can't even describe the glow she had and her poise and elegance. She is an amazing woman. Her testimony is remarkable after having gone through such a hard trial in her life. She did mention a scripture that touched me. D&C 24:8 "Be patient in afflictions, for thou shalt have many; but endure them, for lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days." Although the small trial I am currently facing with infertility is so small compared to what Elizabeth had to endure, it's still comforting to know we can seek wisdom and advice through the words of the scriptures no matter what we are going through. Elizabeth was so inspiring, and I hope to have the strength she has as I go through the many trials I will experience in this lifetime.